Saturday, December 8, 2007

Did you receive your E-Mail?

I hope everyone received their email about how to put their cover together. If you did not receive it let me know at The Yarn Grove and I will send another.

There will be a drawing for a nice prize to include everyone that finishes by the end of December and posts a picture. I can't wait to see everyone's cover and how each of you decided to arrange it and put it together.

How far away are you from finishing?


Linda said...

I did receive the e-mail - thanks! Not sure if I'll get my last FOUR squares knit and then everything SEWN UP before the end of December, though. My Christmas knitting will all (fingers crossed!) be finished by 22nd December, so who knows? There's still a fighting chance! *LOL* ;0)

Brenda said...

somehow I didn't get the email...

Jill L said...

I have finished all but the last 2. I put all the colors together and the red is troughing me and I hit a wall. I may redo those is chocolate which I have . We'' see. I hope to get in done by the end of January.

Merry Christmas everyone!

blopeep said...

I got the email and the yarn, but not the time-warp device that was supposed to come with it!

I'll be bringing everything up to the cabin with me for the loooooong holiday. Not sure if I'll be able to finish/post pictures in time, but it's also not beyond the realm of possibility.

Thanks, Debby, for such a great and fun project. We'll see if it's either the LAST FO for 2007 or the first for 2008!



Anonymous said...

I still have the last six blocks to knit, so it's not likely that i'll be done in time.

this has been a wonderful project and i hope yarn grove is planning another!

Linda said...

I've got one and a half blocks left. I'll be blocking two tomorrow and I *will* finish this by the end of this month. I'm determined! *LOL* I've really enjoyed this and can't wait to have it wrapped around me on New Year's Eve. ;0)

Linda said...

Woo hoo!!!!!!!!!!!!! Three down, one to go. ;0)