Thursday, May 31, 2007

Well, I will post mine. It seriously needs to be blocked. I did buy my styrofoam, I just need to take the time and do it. I have been working on my socks so they won't feel left out when my box comes. Can't wait! Jill

New Shipments on the way

Hi all, have you finished your first 2 blocks? Which one did you like the best? Jill posted a picture of her Diamond Brocade in the willow. Who has the Dimpled Delight pictures? Did you find them both to be easy to knit?

Your next shipment is on is way so start checking the mailbox. You might want to put your socks away so they are not out when the Under Cover Club package arrives. Why, I had my socks climb right off the needles when I put them down beside a block from the Under Cover Club. The new patterns are easy enough to carry with you on vacation. I think you will love the finished look.

Have you taught anyone to knit lately? I taught my granddaughter, Kalley, who is 8 years old. She was so excited about learning how to knit, she picked it up quickly. She wants to knit hats and scarves. She will probably being knitting herself a cover soon!.

Feel free to add your blog buttons to this site. As you can see we are buttonless, so start adding yours. If you can come up with a good one for the Under Cover Club, I invite you to post it here.

Ok, folks, (drum roll) get out those straight needles and get ready to knit.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Jill's First Block

Here is my first block using what I think is willow. I love this pattern and I think it will be more symetrical when I block it.
I am really enjoying this club!

Friday, May 18, 2007

Undercover Club

Greetings from Wisconsin. I'm thoroughly convinced that some of you knitters do not sleep. Our kids are grown & gone, DH works nights, one would think that I have plenty of time for knitting. Sure doesn't seem that way. My 2 squares are completed but only because the weather hasn't been favorable for alot of outside work.

Yarn Grove, I love the yarn. As I live in a rural area there is not much for yarn shops so usually use yarns available at places like Wal-Mart. Now you might think I went into a panic when I received my yarn and had to wind into a ball! Not to worry, the yarn brought back childhood memories of holding the yarn, as my Mom (knitting teacher) would wind. Love the yarn and look forward to the upcoming months.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007


Are we allowed to post photos of the squares we've done so far? I finished Dimpled Delight earlier and both of mine have now been blocked and are drying as we speak. DH complained because I've got them pinned to the sofa in our conservatory. *rolls eyes* !! It's just that the fabric is nice and grippy and doesn't leave pin marks - he should be glad I didn't pin them to the leather sofa in the lounge! *LOL*

Hello from New York State

I live just outside Albany with my husband of 21 years and our two children: son is in high school and daughter is in elementary school. I learned to knit in my late teens and have loved it ever since although I took somewhat of a break when the children were real little - no time!!

I'm loving the Under Cover Club - the first 'monthly' club i've ever joined. I finished the dimpled square within three days of receiving the kit, but haven't done more than a couple of rows of the other square. I'm also participating in the Sockamania KAL, so I'm doing that right now. However, I'll get the square done by the time I get the June package.

I just love the O-Wool - I've always been afraid of wools because I was given a wool sweater as a child that made me itch to no end. However, I've since discovered that some wools are much softer (or just plain better quality) than others. i guess my aunt (God rest her soul) just went for the 'whatever' wool, maybe she concentrated on color because it was a very nice color (just not wearable!!). Now, all I want to use for my knitting are natural fibers, whether they be wool, alpaca, cotton - well, I suppose a blend with acrylic would be ok too. Anyway, I digress. I am just loving this whole experience and look forward to working toward the finished product - it will certainly be a favorite of mine next winter!!

Monday, May 14, 2007

Hi There!

My name is Diane and I'm one of the many Californian's in the club - though I'm originally from the Midwest (Milwaukee, WI). I live just south of San Francisco on the peninsula with my DH and our two cats. I've become addicted to knitting after a lifetime of crochet, cross stitch, and other fine needlework - in particular, I love socks! I will admit, however, that going back to big needles after so much time with 0's and 1's has been both a delight and quite a mind-shift.

Both of my blocks are knitted but I've not gotten around to blocking them. I'll likely do so over the long holiday weekend in between bouts of raking, burning and waste hauling at our cabin in the mountains.

Thanks to the Yarn Grove for putting this together! I'm looking forward to my next skein and next set of patterns.



Sunday, May 13, 2007

Knitting in Coral Gables

Hi, Everyone! I'm Debbie, and I live in Coral Gables, Florida. My grandmother taught me to crochet when I was about 5, and then to knit when I was 6 or 7. My only grandchild, an adorable 4-year-old little girl who lives in Portland, Oregon, loves to watch me knit, and I have already started teaching her how to crochet using her fingers. I just finished knitting her a pair of socks in hot pink with purple, her two favorite colors.

I have two children, a daughter who lives in New Jersey and a son who lives in Oregon. My husband and I are retired and we spend a lot of time traveling - visiting New Jersey and Oregon, and cruising. My biggest problem in packing for cruises is what knitting projects, and how many, I should take with me. My favorite colors are blues, pinks, and purples, with a little green and red thrown into the mix. I love starting new projects and sometimes have to use real will power to finish a few before starting anything new. I couldn't wait to make the first 2 squares and finished them quickly. Now I am looking forward to receiving the next patterns and yarn.


Saturday, May 12, 2007

Where are You?

Since we are going to be "knitting together" for 7 more months, I would like to know where everyone is from. Maybe a little bit about yourself.

My name is Debby and I live in Duluth GA and am co-owner of The Yarn Grove. I love all kinds of fiber, yarn, fabric, papers, etc. I get bored easily so projects like the Under Cover Club are just right for me. Just as I am getting bored it is time to start a new square. I have 3 grown daughters and 11 grandchildren. Going to Utah Monday to see 4 of those wonderful grandchildren.

How about you? What makes you tick? What do you like to do for fun? Children? Grandchildren? Pets?

You can answer in the comments section or just start a new posting on the blog. Let's get to know each other.


Thursday, May 10, 2007

Tip for Blocking

Here is a tip for blocking O-Wool. I get is completely wet, wring it out gently and then place it on a blocking board or large piece of styrofoam. My styrofoan board has a 12"x12" sqaure drawn on it with permanent ink. I pin to this and let it dry. The O-Wool blocks best if you get it completely wet before blocking. I tried putting it on the board and then spraying with water but I did not get the best results. How do you do your blocking and is it working well with the O-Wool?


Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Button, button, who's got the button?

Hi everyone,

I hope you are happily knitting squares or have finished and waiting on your next shipment.

Under Cover Club Button coming very soon! Does anyone have an Under Cover Club button they would like to put here? You may also put your buttons to your blogs if you like. This is your site and I would like to see what everyone does with it.

Now about the colors....Everyone will eventually receive 8 skeins of 8 different colors for a total of 16 squares. We sent the first shipment out in groups of 4. And there are 4 more colors to be sent out in the last four months, some you do not see on our website (surprises). It is interesting to see how each color looks in the different patterns. Instructions will be given for putting the blocks together in groups of four that will be pleasing to the eye. But of course, you can use your own ideas for putting together the final cover.

Let me know if you have more questions


Hello - and where's the button?

Hello everyone - from sunny California!

Special hello to Ann K. who was kind enough to stop by my blog and also because she's a fellow Midwesterner (I grew up in Milwaukee ...).

I've finished my first block and had just gotten through the first four rows of the second when I saw the note about casting on additional stitches. I was actually a bit worried about how dense this block would be so I'll definitely rip out the bit I have and start again.

Good luck to everyone with their knitting!

That said - two small questions:

1. Where's the button for my blog? *grin*
2. What are the other three colors that are out there and will I be in the same color throughout?



Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Hello from the Midwest!!

Hello Everyone!

I'm pleased to be here and am so happy to be a part of this club.. it looks like it's going to be a lot of fun!

I have yet to cast on and knit both of my blocks but will soon.. I'm just trying to get a few WIPs completed first! I have so many, it never ends!! LOL!

I look forward to getting to know all of you and your knitting... Drop by my blog to say Hi!

Happy knitting!

Ann K.

Monday, May 7, 2007

PS to Too Narrow

I have recommended casting on 44 stitches and looking at the pattern and the amount of yarn and I see that you can cast on 46 stitches and still have enough yarn left to join the squares later. Sorry for the confusion, but I have tested and tested these squares for the right size but to keep anyone else from having a problem, I say just go ahead and cast on 46 stitches. That will give you a nice large square to work with when you block.


Sunday, May 6, 2007

Too Narrow

If you have not done the dimpled pattern yet I would suggest casting on 44 stitches instead of 42 to avoid the possibility of it being too narrow. If you have done the pattern already and feel it is too narrow, try blocking it to 11 3/4". I found that a few of mine were blocking just under 12" but all joined together very nicely.


Dimpled Delight Too Narrow?

I love both of these patterns. The Diamond Brocade pattern worked out well and came out to be 12" wide. Using the same needles and the same tension, the Dimpled Delight block came out to be only 10-1/2" wide. Blocking it out to be 12" wide seems to be a lot. Has anyone else had this problem?

Saturday, May 5, 2007

This is your Site

This will be your site to show off your squares, ask for help and just talk about the Under Cover Club, if you like. I have sent invitations to all and you will need to sign in at the right top to create a post. You may need to sign up for a google account but that is a simple matter.

OK, Let's Knit.