Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Button, button, who's got the button?

Hi everyone,

I hope you are happily knitting squares or have finished and waiting on your next shipment.

Under Cover Club Button coming very soon! Does anyone have an Under Cover Club button they would like to put here? You may also put your buttons to your blogs if you like. This is your site and I would like to see what everyone does with it.

Now about the colors....Everyone will eventually receive 8 skeins of 8 different colors for a total of 16 squares. We sent the first shipment out in groups of 4. And there are 4 more colors to be sent out in the last four months, some you do not see on our website (surprises). It is interesting to see how each color looks in the different patterns. Instructions will be given for putting the blocks together in groups of four that will be pleasing to the eye. But of course, you can use your own ideas for putting together the final cover.

Let me know if you have more questions


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